Dental Bridges in Plano, TX

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At Lutke Dental, dental bridges are a dental restoration used to replace one or more missing teeth. They consist of artificial teeth (pontics) anchored in place by dental crowns or dental implants on either side of the gap. The crowns or implants serve as anchors, or abutments, to support the artificial teeth in place.

Dental bridges are designed to restore the function and appearance of missing teeth, allowing individuals to chew properly, speak clearly, and maintain a natural smile. Depending on the individual's needs and preferences, they can be made from various materials, including porcelain, metal, or a combination.

The Procedure for Getting a Dental Bridge

The procedure for getting a dental bridge typically involves multiple dental visits. The abutment teeth or implants are prepared during the initial visit, and impressions are taken to create a customized bridge. A temporary bridge may be placed to protect the prepared teeth while the permanent bridge is being fabricated. On a subsequent visit, the temporary bridge is removed, and the permanent bridge is placed and adjusted for fit and comfort.

Proper oral hygiene, including regular brushing and flossing, is essential to maintain the health of the dental bridge and surrounding teeth. Dental bridges can last many years with proper care, providing a durable and functional solution for missing teeth.

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The Types of Dental Bridges

Traditional Bridge

A traditional bridge has dental crowns on each end to support an artificial tooth in the middle. The dental crowns are cemented to the natural teeth on either side of your missing tooth or teeth, called abutments. If you already have crowns on your natural teeth, these can be incorporated into the new bridge. These single-unit bridges are the most common type and can be made of gold, porcelain, or a combination of these materials.

Cantilever Bridge

A cantilever bridge is used when you have one tooth on either side of the gap from tooth loss. With this type of bridge, only one crown is needed to cover the artificial tooth. This is usually made of gold or porcelain.

Maryland Bonded Bridge

This type of bridge is secured to the adjacent natural teeth with metal bands on the backside of the adjacent teeth. The middle part of the bridge is made of metal but is fused to the surrounding teeth with an adhesive material.

A dental bridge will replace missing teeth with a prosthetic that restores your smile’s appearance and function. For the best dental care tailored to your needs, visit Lutke Dental at 5045 Lorimar Dr #110, Plano, TX 75093, or call (972) 378-4141.

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Plano, TX

5045 Lorimar Dr #110, Plano, TX 75093


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  • FRIBy appointments only
  • SAT - SUNClosed
(972) 378-4141